Ken Trethewey's Soapbox

Art courtesy of Gez Taylor

The Dangerous Impact of Non-ionizing Radiation on Human Health

The Effect of Non-Ionising Radiation on Human Health.

I own a 4G iPhone 5. On two separate occasions, after I have routinely carried my phone in my left trouser pocket, my leg has developed an unpleasant sensation that continues for several weeks. When I first felt the sensation, it was as if the phone in my pocket was ringing in vibration mode. I immediately went to answer my phone and realised that it was not in my pocket - I was not carrying it at all. My conclusion is that the muscle in my leg has somehow been sensitized by exposure to the radiation from my phone to which it is in close proximity when in my pocket.

After the first time this happened I resolved not to carry the phone in my pocket, and the sensation eventually went away. However, a year or so later, I started to carry the phone in the same place and the sensation has begun again. A scientist might declare a coincidence after the first event and say there is no causal link. However, after the repeat exposure, a coincidence seems less likely. This has caused me to investigate more thoroughly.

My Experience in the Science of Non-Ionizing Radiation

In 1976, I was awarded a PhD from the University of Leicester. [Trethewey, Kenneth R.: Some Excited State Charge Transfer Interactions, PhD Thesis, University of Leicester (1976). ] The science I had spent four years studying involved the exposure of chemical substances to non-ionizing radiation and the observation of the ensuing chemistry. It seems to me that we are not being given proper advice from our government authorities on this subject so I am posting a detailed paper here. It contains my theory that the absorption of non-ionizing radiation by hemoglobin is responsible for many deleterious health effects, including cancers.

A Very non-Scientific Experiment

In 2021 I set up a home experiment with a number of identical flower pots, identical compost and the same number (12) of identical seeds. I placed them in several different places. First I left a pot in my garden as a control. Second, I found the site in my house where there was the least amount of non-ionizing radiation. Then I set aside a space adjacent to my home router. In each of these three places I set up identical pots. The two indoor pots were treated as much the same as possible. The temperatures were very similar, as was the distance from a window - the only significant difference was the amount of exposure to non-ionizing radiation. The results were clear within a very short time.

Above: Seeds grew well outdoors.

Above: Seeds grew well indoors in a location that had almost no exposure to non-ionizing radiation.

Above and below: Seeds were badly affected in a location adjacent to the home wi-fi router.

What does this simple experiment tell us?

Clearly there is a deleterious affect on biological systems in the presence of non-ionizing radiation. In my own theory, I have suggested that:
1. In plants it is the absorption of NIR by chlorophyll that leads to excited state (non-ionizing) chemistry and interference with biological processes.
2. In the similar molecule contained in blood, hemoglobin is likely to absorb NIR with the result that as yet unidentified excited state chemistry leads to interference with human biological processes.

My theory is presented in detail in this paper:

The Effects of Non-Ionizing Radiation on Biological Systems and the Role of Hemoglobin

Why has science not recognized this?

The reasons are complex. Firstly, I believe this a genuinely unrecognized area of excited state chemistry that requires a wide range of interdisciplinary skills and expertise to evaluate. Secondly, as with the story of the resistance to recognize the dangers of smoking by the tobacco industry, there has been extreme pressure and lobbying to government against informing the public by the telecommunications industry, despite many scientific studies to the contrary. This story is presented in detail in this video.

Thirdly there is no doubt that robust scientific experiments proving the causes are difficult. There are plenty of instances in which scientists talk of a heating effect, some of which are reported in the above video. This is because the current understanding is that the exposure of tissue to microwaves merely contributes to heating (as in domestic microwaves). Many trials have been carried out to investigate these heating effects and no correlations have been found with damage to health. However, these conclusions are false. They are made on the basis that NIR is absorbed only into the vibrational energy levels of molecules, which would, indeed, cause heating. However, they take no account of the mechanism I have described in my paper implicating new excited state chemistry with molecules that are uniquely able to absorb appropriate frequencies and thus cause unexpected processes that can be dangerous to health.